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Lebanon, Tennessee, USA
アメリカ テネシー州レバノン

​アメリカ テネシー州レバノンから届いたお礼の手紙

AMI JAPAN,We got this mail from
Tennessee. when Tennessee had big Tornado ,

AMI JAPAN sent money to
The Original Church of God (It’s my spiritual sister’s church)
I said “ AMI JAPAN sent money so Please help Tennessee’s people “
She did bring to money other church.

Thank you Jesus.

—-Please read it😊

Bishop Manabu and Pastor Rie,

Greetings from Lebanon, Tennessee USA. At my local church yesterday (New Life Ministries) we had representatives from The Original Church of God in Gallatin, Tennessee visit with us. Shelia presented my family as well as two other families with checks that you sent for March 2020 tornado victims. Shelia and her sisters visit with our church a few times a year and we always love to hear them sing. Their voices are angelic. I am writing to say thank you so much. You will never know how much this means to us. It is a true testimony to God that people in Japan can see the news and be moved to send help all the way to Lebanon, Tennessee. We are so blessed to be here and we were able to stay in our home after the tornado. The path was directly over my neighbors house and it was as though it split on both sides of our home. I was calling out to God and I believe he heard me. I just thank him for the many blessings he bestows on us daily. He protected us and sent us help all the way from Japan. He surprises me daily with his works.

Thank you again so much and many blessings to you and your church,

Brent, Sharon and Whitney Lackey

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Alleluia Ministries International Japan

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